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Re: FUP ate my db (and I did RTFM)
Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 14:34:40 PDT
From: ThwartedEfforts <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 09:45 AM 5/28/96 PDT, wrote:
>I've got a sysadmin's file management room, which provides a Unix-shell like
>interface. So all I'm getting from the user is a single string. I can't split
>it because there isn't an intelligent way to split it (besides, it's too much
>work). If /foo/bar is a directory, should that be ("/foo", "bar") or
>("/foo/bar", ".") or (".", "foo/bar")? And what about references to /? Anyway,
>this isn't the problem. Everything works fine.
Whatever . means, I'm not sure, I never used that to reference files. I
assume you are keeping the cwd stored somewhere, then prepending it to path
they are specifing if they don't start it with a /. We have code that
resolves relative path names also (altho, /dir_that_doesnt_exist/../bin =>
/bin, but shouldn't matter if you use the below code to determine that the
cwd is valid before you let them "enter" it).
If /foo/bar is a directory, then it should be referenced via "/foo/bar", no
questions. Keep it consistant. Note that:
;filelist("home", "rules")
=> the contents of "home"
=> the contents of "home/rules"
Thusly, you'll have to always reference directories via a single string
(which is how I think it should be done anyway) if you want it to be
consistant. (sidenote: filelist()'s second optional argument is the regexp
to match against, which doesn't match directories.)
This splits it "intelligently" (whatever that means):
@program $file_utils:valid_dir_or_file this none this
" Takes one argument, a path, and returns a three element list";
" The first of which is boolean, the second of which is a string";
" If false, then the second is an error message";
" If true, then the second is the type of the argument (dir or file)";
" The third element is the parsed path, ready for splicing into one of the";
" builtins";
" :valid_dir_or_file(\"home\")";
" => {1, \"dir\", {\"home\", \"\"}}";
" :valid_dir_or_file(\"home/Scrytch\")";
" => {1, \"dir\", {\"home/Scrytch\", \"\"}}";
" :valid_dir_or_file(\"/core.mods\")";
" => {0, \"file\", {\"\", \"core.mods\"}}";
" :valid_dir_or_file(\"home/nodir/\")";
" => {0, \"No such directory.\", {\"home/nodir\", \"\"}";
" :valid_dir_or_file(\"home/nofile\")";
" => {0, \"No such file or directory.\", {\"home\", \"nofile\"}}";
" It assumes that you mean a directory if you end in a /";
" Written by ThwartedEfforts for all those out there who need it.";
" Never tell a hacker that it can't be done or that it's too much work.";
{path} = args;
r = rindex(path, "/");
type = 0;
" by default";
if (r == length(path))
" ends in /, they wanted a dir";
type = 1;
" parse it into before the last / and after the last /";
before = path[1..r - 1];
after = path[r + 1..$];
if (type == 0)
" check for the existances of files";
{flist, dlist} = filelist(before);
if (after in flist)
return {1, "file", {before, after}};
if (after in dlist)
dir = tostr(before, before ? "/" | "", after);
return {1, "dir", {dir, ""}};
if (type == 1)
" check for the existance of directories";
dir = tostr(before, before ? "/" | "", after);
if (fileexists(before, after))
return {1, "dir", {dir, ""}};
return {0, "No such directory.", {dir, ""}};
return {0, "No such file or directory.", {before, after}};
/* Last edited by ThwartedEfforts (#2) <~ThwartedEfforts> on Tuesday, May
28, 1996 at 10:57:38 PM */
Hope this helps in some way.
>>>I know it's an `invalid indirection'... whatever that is. What does it mean?
>>In terms of FUP or in terms of when that error is raised normally?
Trying to access something indirectly through an invalid source. Perhaps it
does make sense that FUP raise that...
>>So don't let them do just anything. Check to make sure that a file exists
>>using fileexists before calling file{read,write,append,delete,...}. Use
>>filelist to determine if it's a directory or a file and only them them do
>>operations that are directory operations on directories and file operations
>>on files. If you want some semblence of security, don't just pass the
>>arguments they pass you onto the builtins blindly.
What I said there is quite verbose. :) Just use the above code.
>That's exactly what I'm doing! The user API to FUP is going to be very
>limited. No subdirectories (each object gets its own directory), for example.
>Bit the bit I ran into problems with is the wizard section, which will let you
>do arbitrary file management.
I like to assume that those I have given wizard bits to know what they are
doing.. altho, I know I'm playing with fire when I do that. :)
>(BTW, I got your message twice for some reason.)
Because I sent it to you, and cc'ed moo-cows.
And Judy Anderson <> put me in my place with:
>I haven't been following this discussion closely, but some of the
>responses I see are "why are you doing <illegal thing X>"---that's not
>a proper kind of response. If there's a MOO eating bug, even if the
>user has to do something really grotty to trigger it, FUP should armor
>itself against the user, returning E_INVARG or whatever the
>appropriate error is for that particular illegal thing. How does that
>saying go? "It's not good enough to be foolproof---fools are too
How true! And of course, I realized that as soon as I sent off the mail. I
never tried to do something illegal, specificly because it's usually dumb to
do something like that (there is no valid reason for opening a directory as
a file and reading from it) -- which is the exact reason programmers can not
effectively debug their own code. They are too familar with it.
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