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No @create (!)

About a month ago I downloaded the 'latest' MOO from compiled
corectly on my SlackWare 3.0 linux system, and loaded the 'latest' database
successfully...I can sign in and do most of the familiar things, but
mysteriously, there is no @create (!).


@create $thing called "a new thing"
#90:moveto acceptable (this == #2), line 15:  Invalid indirection
... called from #1:accept (this == #2), line 2
... called from built-in function move()
... called from #4:@create (this == #2), line 41
(End of traceback)

The source code is MOO-1.8.0p2; don't know how to find the version number
of the database, but the create date on mys system is 1-April, so it was
whatever was on the ftp site at that date...

WTF am I missing?

Pls email replies (I'm not subscribed to the list at the moment)

 darrell berry               :                  i r i s / e  :   141C Hertford Rd London N1 +44-171-241-4265

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