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RE: High Wired MOO Core Release
- Date: Thu, 31 Jul 97 18:18:12 +0100
- From: Jan Rune Holmevik <>
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Due to a potential legal conflict with Diversity University, Incorporated
over the use of the name 'EduCore' (which they claim sole right to since
they have used it as a trademark in U.S. commerce since 1995), we are
forced to change the name of the educational MOO core database we
released on July 26, 1997 in beta version for non-commercial use. We want
to stress that our project is in no way connected to the Diversity
University eDUcore, and our choice of the name EduCore was purely
coincidental. At this time we are taking down our educational MOO core
site temporarily until this change is implemented. After August 13, you
may access our core at:
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The core, developed to complement our forthcoming book, _High Wired: On
the Design, Use, and Theory of Eduational MOOs_ (University of Michigan
Press), will be called the "High Wired enCore." The 'enCore' term stands
for Educational Network Core, and will be part of a consortium of
administrators and users of non-commercial educational MOOs we have
already begun to form within the umbrella of Lingua MOO projects, which
encompasses Lingua MOO, MOO Teach (a web resource for connecting teachers
and researchers), _Pre/Text: Electra(Lite)_ (a WOO'd electronic journal
of rhetorical theory), _Elekcriture_ (an electronic journal on the theory
and practice of educational MOOs (in development)), C-FEST (a series of
meetings at Lingua MOO during the academic year on topics relating to
pedagogical and professional issues), and _High Wired_ (the collection of
essays mentioned above). Those who have already registered for updates on
our project are automatically members of our consortium as are those
registered with our MOO Teach network. We hope others will join in our
belief that the spirit of the educational MOO community should be based
upon the principles of sharing knowledge and ethical interaction. We
trust that our concession to DU's concern about the EduCore term is made
in that spirit.
Any questions about the 'HighWired enCore' or the Educational Network
should be directed to both Cynthia Haynes ( and Jan
Rune Holmevik (
__Jan Rune Holmevik, Cand Philol_____________________________________
University of Bergen
Department of Humanistic Informatics
Sydnesplass 7, HF-bygget
N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY
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