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Re: crontab & restart
>>>>> "D" == D Walker <> writes:
D> So, does anyone know how to get a cron job working to restart a
D> moo once a week? The that comes with the code uses
D> nohup, which requires a terminal, so I can't call that. I tried
D> just calling the command-line startup but that didn't work
D> either. I keep getting a "must be called from a terminal"
D> error.
D> Diana aka Trouble @ DownMOO
Try starting it with an expect script. That way, the pty that expect
allocates will look like a terminal to the MOO even thought there is
really no physical terminal involved. You can get expect at
-------- "And there came a writing to him from Elijah" [2Ch 21:12] --------
Robert Jay Brown III 1 847 705-0424
Elijah Laboratories Inc.; 37 South Greenwood Avenue; Palatine, IL 60067-6328
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