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I have an executable into de /bin directory. ok.
This executable creates a process with an output like this:

InstExec  = 13,488651  Cells =  434  Genotypes =  174  Sizes =  27
Extracted = 0080abe @ 10 v
InstExeC      =       13  Generations  =       33  Thu Apr 25 17:19:09 1996
    NumCells  =      442  NumGenotypes =      188  NumSizes  =       24
    AvgSize   =       62  NumGenDG     =        1
    AvgPop    =      439  Births       =     1179  Deaths    =     1190
    RateMut   =    12240  RateMovMut   =      992  RateFlaw  =    54016
    MaxGenPop =       34  (0045aab)      MaxGenMem =       29 (0080aaa)
    Speed     =    25000

My doubt is:

How I redirect the output of that program to a file? Maybe thus I can use 
fileread() to display the everchange output... (am I wrong??)




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