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Traceback with @create

I was wondering if anyone could help me out.  I am having a hair-pulling
situation here. :)  I am running version 1.8.0p4 of the LambdaMOO server
code, with the latest LambdaCore database.  I am unable to create anything
with the @create command.  Am I missing something trivial?

I type:

	@create $thing named "Sign"

it gives me:

#90:moveto acceptable (this == #2), line 15:  Invalid indirection
... called from #1:accept (this == #2), line 2
... called from built-in function move()
... called from #4:@create (this == #2), line 41
(End of traceback)

Is this a silly overlook, or am I just blind?

Thanx in advance.....

 {~._.~} -  - - -- --- ---- ----- ----------- ----- ---- --- -- - -  -   -    -
 _( Y )_   I'm here, I'm awake, I'm dressed...              Pauline M. Marshall
(:_~*~_:)                                                   --= MightyMouse =--
 (_)-(_)   ... WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!?           
-    -   -  - - -- --- ---- ----- ----------- ----- ---- --- -- - -  -   -    -


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