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Re: MOO binaries

At 05:39 PM 4/2/96 PST, Justin C Harris wrote:
>	I have a MOO binary running (v1.8.0p2) with a Oct94 DB without $spell.
>After it had been up, I noticed three files in the directory. The 'moo'
>executable, my db, and a 13 meg 'core' file. I was wondering if the core
>file is supposed to be 13 megs?? If so why? Also, where is the server log
>kept for the binary MOO? Please e-mail me with any information you could
>lend a fellow wizard. Also, is there any kind of README files on the binaries
>or any documents about them? Please point me to them if they exist. Thanks
>in advance.
hm a core file would be around that size, depending on the size the process
in memory, since it gets dumped when there's an error and the server panics.
the server log should be kept the same place the database is. As for the
README, don't think it comes with the binaries (haven't downloaded one since
I always compile them myself) but you should be able to download the normal
server and get the READMEs from there.

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