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[ Re: PANIC: Caught signal 11]

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Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 08:47:58 PST
To: "Dr. Rob Higgins" <>,
From: Jeff Dubrule <>
Subject: Re: PANIC: Caught signal 11
Precedence: bulk

At 4:39 AM -0800 3/21/97, Dr. Rob Higgins wrote:

[much snippage throughout]

>I'm running MOO-1.8.0p4 on Linux 1.2.13
>The database has 984 objects and is about 2.7M
>After starting the program, it PANIC dumps and dies
>Any ideas on what I can do here?

Upgrade, and pray?

>Second problem:
>Another ongoing problem, when it is accepting connections,
>is that it seems to give problems to users of standard
>Windows telnet programs. It seems that the same user
>can connect ok with any MUD/MOO client, but when using
>telnet from Windows the first screen appears but the
>connect command doesn't work. Sometimes it is a matter
>having the users turn on local echo, because they are
>just not seeing what they are typing, but in other cases
>the connection can't be made.

When a telnet client first contacts a server, it spews a bunch of bytes
explaining what the telnet client does and does not support.  In theory, a
telnet server would then respond with a bunch of bytes explaining what the
server can and cannot do.  Both programs then adjust what features they use
to what the other can support.  Unfortunately, there is no code to support
this in the MOO (I've been meaning to get around to making some, but don't
hold your breath)  You might try hacking your do_login_command() to make
incomming connections binary, then use binary_decode() to filter out the
bunch of bytes.

- -manta
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