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[ Permission errors in FUP]

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From: "Antonio Martos" <>
To: <>
Subject: Permission errors in FUP
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 12:10:11 PST
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I suddenly got a permission error (wizardl) using FUP filewrite,
fileappend, filemkdir, etc... but fileread, filelist, etc works fine.
It is strange, because It worked until now... I can't figure what could it
I tried to change $server_options.protect_function, didn't work.
When I check directory permissions, everithing looks ok.
I have a directory called files at the same dir that moo server, it is
drwxr-xr-x, the files inside are the same, and ;filelist("") returns the
correct directory contents, also with fileread.
All the write functions returns permission denied when executed with ; as
The funny thing is that a few days ago it worked because all the files were
created from inside the moo, I am sure.
I am using 1.8.0p5, the last time I compiled the source was when I
installed FUP on it. From there to now the only thing I did with it is
strip moo, could it be this?
I also checked the files to me mine, not root.
I am really lost...
Any idea?
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