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Re: fixing $network:raw_sendmail problems....

At 02:39 PM 3/26/96 PST, Jacqueline Hamilton wrote:
>Could someone send me the fix for the $network:sendmail and/or 
>$network:raw_sendmail verbs, we just moved to a mail host that's a linux 
>box, and now getting weird problems like "Trouble sending mail: 503 Need 
>MAIL before RCPT", and also raw_sendmail just hangs and leaves a dead 
>process in the forked queue.  I know I've seen this before but just not 
>sure what the fix should be.

I think this is it: Change the line that reads:

    if (!index("23", line[1]))


    if (line[4] == "-")
    elseif (!index("23", line[1]))

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