MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Zen and the art of MOO

Hello, MOOers.

ZenMOO (telnet:// was shut down for indecency
late in 1995.  As a result, the government has passed ferocious laws
regarding decency and the transmission of information on our beloved
Internet.  However, through protracted legal battles and help from
various lobbying groups, ZenMOO is back up.

Let me repeat.  ZenMOO is now fully operational, and can be reached
via telnet at, port 7777.  Information about ZenMOO
and the whole indecency thing is available on the web at

Unfortunately, I had to remove the user accounts on ZenMOO, to protect
the calm and innocent people whom the government would like to censure
and censor.  Thus, you will have to create a new character upon
connecting to ZenMOO.

If you are not reading this message, it is because the government is
still pretending that Zen is illicit, and MOO is obscene.  Thus, ZenMOO
is deemed to merely be indecent.  Fight censorship!
T. Pascal, King of Pascal    |  Bryan Snyder! is my son.  It was a dark night,
4527 Avocado St.             |  and I was lonely and drunk.  A trans-sexual
Los Angeles, CA 90027        |  happened to be there, and it happened.  I'm |  not proud, but that's the way it is.


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