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Re: ARG!!

If the files aren't flagged executable, type:

chmod moo u+rx
chmod restart u+rx

And if that doesn't work, try:


(you may not have . in your path)

At 07:29 PM 3/5/96 PST, Edward Goff wrote:
>okay.. I'm at a lose.. I have run sh configure.. edit'd options.h and ran 
>make.. no problems at all.. but everytime I try restart. it says 
>commmand not found. 
>if I do ls -al the files that are normaly a name* aren't.. IE
>moo* is moo
>restart* is restart
>BTW I'm on a SUN OS. *SIGH* .. anyone got any help..
jesse montrose <>
After seven years, I was sent home to my family.  Little man, I give
the watch to you.

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