MOO-cows Mailing List Archive
Re: FUP and LAG
At 05:06 PM 2/26/97 PST, John Towell Ph.D. wrote:
>Er, ah....Ed, FUP has been used extensively and successfully by quite a few
>MOOs for the past couple years or so. If you're having a problem with FUP
>the onus is on you to bring the problem to this group with an appropriate
>description of your system, size of MOO, experience, etc. At this stage
>"FUP is BAD" sounds a lot like "THE SKY IS FALLING."
I have a problem with FUP. The system I have a MOO on was a P100 with Linux
1.2.13 (since upgraded to a Pentium Pro 150 & 2.0.27. It was 6 megs before
FUP and about 5 after. I've been running it for about 2 years since 1.7
with the same problems I've described in my last post. And the sky is
falling. And ZOG ZOG ZOG.
- FUP and LAG
- From: "Edward L. Haletky" < (none)>
- Re: FUP and LAG
- From: "John Towell Ph.D." <>
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