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Re: MOO trojan horse (was Re: more questions)

At 03:53 AM 2/24/97 PST, Michel Lavondes wrote:
>In message <>, "Mike Moore" writes:
>> > [My try at an object only the owner can move]
>> > @verb foo:moveto this none this
>> > @program foo:moveto
>> > if (player == this.owner)
>> >   pass(@args);
>> > [...]
>> This is actually a small security leak.  The reason is, I could reprogram
>> my :tell verb (a commonly called one) to try to move an object with the
>> above code installed to wherever.  When that object's owner pages me,
>> [...]
>> A more robust approach would be:
>> if ($perm_utils:controls (caller_perms(), this) && (player == this.owner))
>> [...]
>Thanks. A related question : how would you implement a similar check for
>a verb that can be called both from the command level and deeper in the
>stack ? Is that what caller is for ? I'm still wondering about what that's
instead of caller_perms(), try:
valid(caller_perms()) ? caller_perms() | player
since caller_perms() is #-1 if it's called from the command line.

>How long do you think until we get MOO security consultants and tiger
>teams on the job market ? :-(
Didn't know someone would actually want to pay a living wage for that kind
of thing. Of course if anyone wants to, I'm game...

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