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Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 13:55:00 +0100 (MET)
From: Nieuwsbrief Alfa-Informatica <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
* Alfa * |
** **** ** |
** ** | Vijfde jaargang Nummer 53 - feb 1996
** **** | Redactie: p/a Secretariaat Alfa-Informatica
** ** ** | kamer 204, P.C.Hoofthuis, Spuistraat 134,
* Info * **** | 1012 VB Amsterdam of
- Taaltechnoloog/Computational linguist
- Research opportunities in music cognition
- Inbelvoorzieningen
- Discourse Colloquium
- Colofon
Cap Volmac zoekt per direct voor een vast dienstverband een
taaltechnoloog om in te zetten in taaltechnische projecten.
Een huidig project is het maken van vertaalmodules vanuit
Simplified English (controlled language) voor technische
teksten (handleidingen etc.). De taaltechnoloog wordt onder
meer ingezet bij het vertalen van taalkundige regels in compu-
terformalismen, maar zal ook zeer nauw betrokken worden bij de
activiteiten van de project manager. Men zoekt een ervaren
persoon, die al enige jaren daadwerkelijk met deze materie
bezig is en slechts een kleine inwerkperiode behoeft om al in
het huidige project te kunnen meedraaien (dus geen net-afge-
Gewenste capaciteiten:
- aantoonbare ervaring met taaltechnologische projecten
- programmeerervaring (bijv. PROLOG, LISP)
- goede communicatieve vaardigheden
- stress-bestendig
- redelijk thuis in diverse talen
- projectmatig kunnen werken
De verdiensten zijn zonder meer goed en extra's zoals lea-
se-auto bespreekbaar.
Neem contact op met Brian Dommisse:
Houtbosch 43
1111 SR Diemen
tel. 020-600 52 52
Cap Volmac in Utrecht is seeking computational LINGUISTS for
TEMPORARY positions in a development project. For one of our
customers, we are building a machine translation system based
on controlled language (English) input for software documenta-
tion. For the finalisation of the translation modules to
FRENCH, GERMAN and SPANISH, we are seeking computational
linguists who are (near) native in one of these languages and
have a good command of English.
Primary activities will be writing grammar rules and encoding
lexicons. These positions are for a period of 3 to 6 months
starting January 1997.
Applicants should :
- be near native speakers of the target language involved
- have experience in writing grammars in PROLOG-like forma
- have good computer skills (MS-Office products)
- be available immediately
- enjoy working in a team
- be able to perform under stress
Contact Brian Dommisse:
Houtbosch 43
1111 SR Diemen
tel. 020-600 52 52
At the Nijmegen Institute of Cognition and Information (NICI) of the
Nijmegen University a new research team will be set up, supported by the
Dutch Foundation for Scientific Research (NWO) as the PIONIER project
"Music, Mind, Machine". This project aims at improving the understanding of
the temporal aspects of musical knowledge and music cognition using
computational models. The research is interdisciplinary in nature, with
contributions from musicology, psychology and computer science.
There are a number of studies planned, grouped according to the following
perspectives: the computational modeling methodology, the music domain
itself, and applications of the findings. The methodological studies are
concerned with the development of cognitive modeling languages, the study
of (sub)symbolic formalisms, the development of programming language
constructs for music, and the evaluation of physical metaphors in modeling
expressive timing. The domain studies focus on specific temporal aspects of
music, such as beat induction, grace note timing, musical expression and
continuous modulations in music performance. In these areas both the
construction of computational models and their experimental validation will
be undertaken. The theoretical results will be applied in e.g., editors for
musical expression for use in recording studios.
In order to realize these aims, a multi-disciplinary research group will be
formed, in which teamwork and collaboration play a crucial role. It will be
expected that all team members are actively involved in building the team
and the realization of the project's aims. The demands on the team members
will be high, conducting innovative and internationally recognized
research. However, in return, the research environment will provide
advanced research training and technical support, including a high-quality
infrastructure and facilities. The following positions are vacant:
Post-graduate/research-assistants. vacancy number 21.1.97.
A number of post-graduate (AiO) positions is available in a research
program leading to a Ph.D. degree (in the Social Sciences or in Computer
Science). These positions require an excellent background in
experimental/cognitive psychology, musicology or computer science, with
preferably additional expertise in one of the other disciplines.
Programming experience is essential. Experience with Lisp, Macintosh, and
studio hard- or software is an advantage. Appointment will be full-time for
four years, or 8/10 for five years. Gross salary will be fl. 2114 per
month in the first year, increasing to fl. 3775 in the fourth year, based
on full-time employment.
Computer Scientist. vacancy number 21.2.97.
This job requires a Masters degree in Computer Science. A thorough
knowledge of object-oriented and functional programming styles is
requested, as well as experience in programming in Common Lisp and CLOS .
Knowledge of the Macintosh system, MIDI and audio applications is an
advantage. He/she will assist in the development of cognitive models and
prototype/demonstration programs, the setup and maintenance of system
software for the team, and the design and support of WWW applications.
Appointment will be full-time for five years. The maximum salary, depending
on experience, will be fl.7125 gross per month.
Employment will begin July 1997. The Faculty of Social Sciences intents to
employ a proportionate number of women and men in all positions in the
faculty. Women are therefore urgently invited to apply. The selection
procedure may entail an assessment of collaboration and communication
skills. Applications (three copies, in English or Dutch) including a
curriculum vitae and a statement
about the candidate's professional interests and goals, and one copy of
recent work (e.g., thesis, computer program, article) should be received
before March 28, 1997 by the Department of Personnel & Organization,
Faculty of Social Sciences, Catholic University Nijmegen, P.O.Box 9104,
6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Please mark envelope and letter with the
appropriate vacancy number.
More information on the project and a description of the planned studies
can be found at
Het is tot nader bericht weer mogelijk om de Sara-inbelnummers te
gebruiken. Onderstaand treft u de nummers / modemsnelheden.
Er is verzocht *niet* meer 'destination' 'fdl2' te
1. 'langzame' modems (t/m 9600 bps)
bel naar: 5611222
geef als 'destination': terms
gevolgd door:
2. 'snelle' modems (vanaf 9600 bps)
bel naar: 6635252
u typt achter de promt:
The Discourse Colloquium (DIP) is held every two weeks. The global
topic is the interpretation of utterances in their (textual) context. The
orientation of the colloquium is quite broad: the talks may focus on syntax,
prosody, semantics or pragmati cs. Subjects from past lectures were:
anaphora resolution, presuppositions, focus-background and topic-comment
structure, discourse topics, shared beliefs.
Information about the Discourse Colloquium
(abstracts, past and future lectures) can be found at the WWW:
Het account voor de Nieuwbrief is in handen van Joos Skolnik, Tijn
Porcelijn en Mike de Kreek. Stuur vragen, suggesties, klachten en adreswijzigingen
Stuur hier ook kopij heen die bedoeld zijn voor plaatsing in de
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