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Re: 2 quessies

Ok heres the code for both yuor questions
1)Make a new verb on $room or $thing or whatever named `describe' this.
ok heres the code

1:  lines = $command_utils:read_lines();
 2:  this.description = lines;
 3:  player:tell("Description set.");

Ok Next one.  TO make the exits appear, you need to edit the
Heres the code for that:

 1:  "displays obvious exits";
 2:  "-- TeknoTroll";
 3:  obexits_list = {};
 4:  for exit in (this:obvious_exits())
 5:    obexits_list = listappend(obexits_list, exit:deststring());
 6:  endfor
 7:  if (obexits_list != {})
 8:    player:tell("Obvious exits: " +
 9:  endif

Ok thats it. If you have any more questions, just ask.

Matthew Schmidt
Lieutenant Picard
Master Yoda
Archwizard to Alliance MOO

> From: Tim MacLachlan <>
> To:
> Subject: 2 quessies
> Date: Monday, February 17, 1997 9:08 PM
> Hello,
> I ran a MOO several years ago..and have just started one up again.
> Problem is I have forgotten all the wizzy things again. I've read the
> Wiz FAQ and the Moo FAQ but cant find the info to two things. I'm
> sorry if this is a faq question..but it doesnt seem to be in it.
> 1. Is there any way that you can put a carriage return/blank line
> in a description?
> I'm trying to do something like this on a room description:
> "description blah blah...
> Obvious Exits: north......"
> so that the blank line is part of the description..??
> 2. Along time a go..someone posted up code for how to make the exits
> appear under the description when someone 'looked' at the room. If I
> could get this code again..then I wouldnt have to puit the exits
> manually
> in the would print them automatically.
> Thanks..if this is a FAQ then please tell me where the info is..
> Tim
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------
> Tim MacLachlan
> -----------------------------------------------
> Network System Manager, Itchen College


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