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Possible bug?

Feb 11 12:35:06: CONNECTED: Wishmerhill (#10121) on port 4444 from ****.***.*****.**, port 2412
Feb 11 12:35:41: *** PANIC: Caught signal 11
Feb 11 12:35:41: #6:my_huh (this == #31523), line 41:  server panic
Feb 11 12:35:41: ... called from #57:do_huh, line 6
Feb 11 12:35:41: ... called from #1:huh (this == #29003), line 2
Feb 11 12:35:41: (End of traceback)
Feb 11 12:35:41: PANIC-DUMPING on ...


41:    force_input(player, tostr(player.cmdaliases[i][2], " ", argstr));

#6.cmdaliases is {{STR aliasname,STR alias string},{...},...,{...}}

#31523 is and was a valid, connected player object.

His .cmdaliases was:
{{"attiva","attiva builderatore"},{"att","attiva builderator"}}

Our system is a BiPowerPC601... 256 Mb RAM, and the moo master was
about 80M big at the moment of the crash, with no checkpointing running.

So... WHY?
Maybe a bug in force_input?
-- Bussola
    N	  Message by/spedito da/envoye' par: Paolo "Bussola" Marchiori
W<--O-->E Join me on the first italian MOO: Little Italy
    |     telnet 4444
    V     "Tutti volere Pinguino Bagonghi! Freddo! Super freddo!"
    S                             -><- 
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