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Re: hashes

On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Kipp the Kidd wrote:

> I don't know if this really matters or not, or if it should even be changed:
> ;binary_hash("~041")==binary_hash("!")
> => 1
> ---------
> ;binary_hash("!")
> => "9033E0E305F247C0C3C80D0C7848C8B3"
> ;value_hash("!")
> => "2EA220C617FEB69D2340D0EE87AB33B5"
Try string_hash(), value_hash() runs it through toliteral() first which
would turn it into "\"!\"" instead of just "!".

> ---------
> ;value_hash($esc)
> => "3BB9701FF970DE069A6C20243F9E3A9D"
> ;binary_hash(encode_binary(27))
> => "F616C83F2F0F188265C7004D81D45723"
Not sure about this one, but probably the same thing.

Any chance on making an object_hash() ?  I tried doing something like it
in-DB but it took way to many ticks to go through every verb and property.

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 *     Dark_Wiz @ EnigMOO, ForestMOO, MOOnShine    ***************************
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