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Re: Please resolve these two passages...

Doug Elias wrote:
> In section 1.2.2 (Properties), we read:
>      Symmetrically, the 'w' bit controls whether or not non-owners can
>      add or delete properties and/or verbs on this object.
> A bit farther on, though:
>      Read permission lets non-owners get the value of the property
>      and, of course, write permission lets them set that value.

note that you can make the entire object +w, or just a specific property. 
in the first case, the object is +w, allowing a non-owner to add or delete
properties or verbs. in the second case, the value of a +w property can be
changed by a non-owner.
> i've verified (with a note) that, when "w" is set, a non-owner can
> give the note a new property:
>   @prop note.my_text "this is my text"
> and can remove that property, but can *not* notedit it successfully.

perhaps you don't realize that verbs and properties on an object can 
be owned by a different player than the object itself -- this is often 
done when one verb on an object requires "wiz dust" for it to function 

in this case, when a non-owner adds a property to a +w object, that
property is still owned by the object's owner (use '@d note.my_text' to
see this) and still has the default settings of rc, so a non-owner can't 
modify its value. 

if the non-owner wants to also modify the value of that property, the
non-owner must specifically make the property in question +w as well. so,
in this example, the non-owner needs to '@chmod note.my_text +w' and can
then modify it with @notedit. 

but yeah, it's rarely a good idea.


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