MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


MOO-Cows Mailing list changes

This is to announce two changes in the way the MOO-Cows family of mailing lists
are operated:

First, due to the size of the main list and the persistently high level of
traffic lately, we have been asked to move over to a fully-digestified format.
This means that subscribers to the main MOO-Cows@Xerox.Com mailing list will
soon begin receiving only digests of multiple postings to the list, rather than
one message for each posting.  Subscribers to MOO-Cows-Digest and
MOO-Cows-Announce will not see any change.  We are continuing to maintain the
distinction between MOO-Cows and MOO-Cows-Digest in order to facilitate a
possible later undoing of this decision; people should continue to subscribe to
MOO-Cows instead of MOO-Cows-Digest if they would *prefer* to receive
individual messages, even though (for the time being) that preference will be

Before those of you on the main list panic, please note that the digests have
been coming out in a very timely manner all through the past year, at the
average rate of almost one per day, with peaks of *four* per day.  You don't
have to worry about your postings lying dormant for days waiting for enough
traffic to force another edition of the digest.

Second, my search for a replacement mailing-list maintainer has been
successful.  The mailing list has been turned over to Kim Bobrow, a consultant
here at Xerox PARC and archwizard of two educational research MOOs run by one
of the other research projects here.  You can reach Kim concerning mailing-list
matters at the following address:


I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank Kim for taking on this job
(and taking it off *my* shoulders).  She's a real trooper!  I'd also like to
thank the several other people who volunteered to take over the mailing list;
in the end, I decided to take the offer nearest at hand, in order to minimize
the disruption to the list itself.


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