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RE: Wierd Verb Stuff - Need Help!
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 1996 12:55:30 PST
From: Ron Stanions <>
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You're close, but not close enough. :)
What you want to do is to wrap the verbname in parenthesis, like so:
cmd = "foo";
This will call player:foo()
and changing cmd to "bar" will cause it to call player:bar()
This also works with properties, and this is also how you must do it when calling
verbs (or accessing properties) with special characters in it, such as
From: Chris Jones[]
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 1996 3:35 PM
To: moo-cows
Subject: Wierd Verb Stuff - Need Help!
Hi, everyone. I'm trying to setup a verb on an object which
works like this:
[Verb code may not work; making this off the top of my head]
cmd = "foo";
[Could this be setup so that the second line will execute player:foo(),
and then if cmd is changed (say to "bar"), that it would execute
I've though of a few ways, but they're not really elegant, and
would waste server ticks:
cmd = "foo";
if (cmd == "foo")
elseif (cmd == "bar")
[end verb code]
Any ideas?
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