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Re: The reverse of ctime()

On Tue, 23 Jan 1996, PILOSOF AVI wrote:
> Does a function exist (or does someone know the code for such a beast) to 
> take time in a human readable format and convert it to the internal time 
> format (ie; number of seconds since 1/1/1970) ?
> The function need not parse a command line, it would be cool if it could 
> just take a time, day, month, year.
> I need this because I need to allow for people to enter a room booking in 
> advance, and I need them to enter a time/date, which will be compared with 
> the internal one.

I've seen such a beast in libwww (perl).  You could snake it and use it 
as a basis for MOO code...

-Brandon Gillespie-


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