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Re: Changing parents & dynamic properties

PILOSOF AVI <> wrote:
>I had created 10 rooms, all of which descended from the standard room.
>I then used one of them to test the conferencing system by adding 
>properties, verbs, etc.
>Now I wanted all these rooms to behave in the same way, so I @chparent'ed 
>all of them to have the test room as their parent.
>However, now when I use some of the property-changing verbs on the test 
>room, the properties change on ALL the rooms. I thought that a child object 
>was a whole new copy of the object, and had separate (altho identical) 

@chparent'ing the rooms to the test room has a similar affect as if you had
just created a new child of the test room.  It now has all the verbs and 
properties of the test room.  It's properties are at this point `inherited' 
the parent (similar to verbs).  Thus changing the property on the parent 
changes it on the child.  *IF* you @set the properties of the child, they
will then be stored locally on the child object, and will no longer reference
the parent at all (even if you @set them to the same value).  So until a 
property is altered locally, it is just inherited from the parent.  Once there
is an alteration that inheritance is broken forever.



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