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[newbie] Programmer Tutorial Question
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 13:23:25 PST
From: "D. Jason Nolan" <>
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Hi all;
I'm trying to learn things, working through a programmer's tutorial,and
I'm stuck trying to make this work. Compiler says that line 3 is not
#110:do_the_work not compiled because:
Line 3: syntax error
1: if (this.wound)
2: if ($object_utils:isa(this.location,$room)
__3_ this.location:announce_all(," ",this:continue_msg());
^^4^ this.wound = this.wound - 1;
5: if (this.wound)
6: fork (15)
7: this:do_the_work();
8: endfork
9: else
10: this.location:announce_all(, " ",
11: endif
12: endif
13: if (this.wound < 0)
14: this.wound=0;
15: endif
16: endif
Now, this is exactly what is in the tutorial, so I can't even guess at
how I might get through learning this to get onto the next phase. Any
help, or any other tutorial document references would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, and apologies for the newbie bandwidth waste,
D. Jason Nolan
Department of Curriculum
Ontario Institute for Stupidity in Education
University of Toronto
(416)923-6641 x2528
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