MOO-cows Mailing List Archive


Re: That patch I had...


> That's interesting; I haven't noticed that kind of behavior from JHM
> at least.
> So there's no reason why you should be getting double-spaced lines
> from CRLF, as long as you're speaking text/* or a known application/*.
> Do you have an example URL where this problem would occur?  Perhaps
> you're having MIME problems instead.

Well, I dunno why, I use a Sun not a Mac, and I didn't see it.  But this fixed 
it.  And we HAD seen the same problem on the Sensemedia WOO servers.

> Can you actually document lower CPU usage?  I know it gets you lower
> tick usage...

Nope.  We haven't actually got out our multimeters or stuck a thermometer on the 
CPU either.  But using common sense, searching through the list in C rather than 
in MOOcode just sorta seems right, no?


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