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Re: Pueblo.,...
Brandon Gillespie drew these hieroglyphs:
> > Has anyone taken it upon themself to try to add Pueblo support to MOO?
> > Has anyone thought about it? Do you even know what Pueblo is? :)
> > I'm curious as to see if anyone has bothered trying it.
> once pueblo supports a standard protocol (such as MCP or VEIL), sure..
Can we even call MCP a "standard"? According to the draft spec, it
doesn't support multiple streams, and isn't even compatible with MOO
out of the box. I'm guessing a new spec has been written up since
then, but it certainly doesn't show on JHM, where it's still using
'@@@' as an OOB prefix in the spec.
As for VEIL, we need some examples. How about showing us what a short
session in VEIL looks like? (Put it on the page, 'kay?)
And pueblo folks, how 'bout a URL for info, hm?
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