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CinderVR (LambdaCore) in need of Programmers

Greetings all...

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this notice, so
forgive in advance if
inadvertantly misdirected. :)

CinderVR is a game currently under construction and being built using the
LambdaMOO Core DB.

The theme is based on a homespun story line and the goal is to create not a
"social chatter" but
rather an intensive Role Play immersion environment.  (Not that there is
ANYTHING wrong with Social Virtual Communities)

We currently have several good programmers working on the project and even
more folks, such as
myself who are quite good with theme related issues, an established mailing
list, Web Page in the works
and a dedicated machine and bandwidth to house the game once we open.

Unfortunately, those individuals involved in the "coding" side of things are
very busy with projects
of their own and/or real life and so we are currently in desperate need of
someone who might find this
project of interest enough to commit to heading up our "code development".

If this very sketchy outline even peaks your interest a little and you would
like to get in on a long
term development project, please, drop me some email to:  

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