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Re: @hoststats code
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 06:45:18 PST
From: (Mark R. Bowyer)
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Oh, OK. I did consider this, but since it's more than a little Solaris-centric
I wasn't sure how useful it would be. I'll include 2 versions of the shell
script, the one that's best and the one that works on Solaris 2.3 (the
/usr/ucb/ps in 2.3 and below is crap) and the MOO verb that is required to use
it. I suggest you try the best one first, then the lesser one, and play about
with the fields taken from the ls and ps commands if it looks wrong. The main
thing here is the use of the /proc directory, which should be in most SVR4
systems. If you don't have it, you'll have to take the SZ field from the ps,
which is a little less accurate (it's in K not bytes, and over 10M tends to
collide with the previous column).
Like I say, it needs FUP installed to allow executables.
The Scripts are:
#! /bin/csh -f
set prog = moostat
set name = moo
set size = 0
set mem = 0
set cpu = 0
set pid = `/usr/bin/ps -e | grep $name |grep -v grep |grep -v $prog| awk '{print
foreach a ($pid)
set onesize = `cd /proc; /usr/bin/ls -l *$a | awk '{print $5}'`
set onestat = `/usr/ucb/ps -au | grep $a|grep -v grep| awk -F" " '{printf
"%2.2f %%Memory, %2.2f
%%CPU.", $4, $3}'`
@ size=$size + $onesize
set mem = `echo $mem + $onestat[1] |bc`
set cpu = `echo $cpu + $onestat[3] |bc`
echo "Size of $name (pid $a)" = $onesize Bytes, $onestat
echo "Total size: = "$size Bytes, $mem %Memory, $cpu %CPU.
set swap = `/usr/sbin/swap -s | awk '{print $11}'`
echo Swap available: $swap Bytes
set host = `w -u`
echo System: $host
uname -a
#! /bin/csh -f
set prog = moostat
set name = moo
set size = 0
set mem = 0
set cpu = 0
set pid = `/usr/bin/ps -e | grep $name |grep -v grep |grep -v $prog| awk '{print
foreach a ($pid)
set onesize = `cd /proc; /usr/bin/ls -l *$a | awk '{print $5}'`
@ size=$size + $onesize
echo "Size of $name (pid $a)" = $onesize Bytes.
echo "Total size: = "$size Bytes.
set swap = `/usr/sbin/swap -s | awk '{print $11}'`
echo Swap available: $swap Bytes
set host = `w -u`
echo System: $host
/usr/bin/uname -a
Verb spiffy wizard:@hoststats:
"Calls a shellscript in the FUP bin directory to gain some quick stats about the
MOOs host.";
if (!player.wizard)
player:tell("Bug off!");
if (filerun("moostat",{},{"","mooout"}) != 1)
player:tell("Unable to execute the moostat script!");
output = fileread("","mooout");
player:tell("Current Host stats:");
Hope some of you find this useful. Doesn't need root perms, BTW.
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