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New LambdaCore database released
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 17:41:24 PST
From: Judy Anderson <>
In-Reply-to: "\"G. Ellenburg\"'s message of Sat, 30 Dec 1995 21:56:29 -0500 (GMT-0500) <>02 "
Posted-Date: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 17:41:24 -0800 (PST)
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 1995 21:56:29 -0500 (GMT-0500)
From: "G. Ellenburg" <>
Is it just me but there appears to be no more "@dig" or "help
building" anymore in the new database!
How does one create new rooms with the new core? HELP! <g>
Your problem is that the players you are creating (which is controlled
by $player_class) are simple $players, without building capability.
If you chparent these to $builder, they will be able to @dig. If you
change the value of $player_class to $builder, then this will happen
by default.
The help building problem is caused by a core extraction problem,
however, fortunately the actual help text *is* in the core, it just
isn't available to your programmers. Execute the following on your
MOO (assuming you have not changed the property already---if so I will
assume you understand the help system well enough to modify these
instructions accordingly):
;$ = $builder_help
You see, the help system is itself object oriented, and has a
hierarchical nature which is controlled by the .help property on all
the ancestors of the player typing "help". I'll fix the core
extraction process to not nuke $; I don't know why this
Judy Anderson yclept yduJ 'yduJ' rhymes with 'fudge' (personal mail) (work-related)
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