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Current Internet Status

"If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What's more, you deserve to be hacked."
-- White House cybersecurity adviser Richard Clarke

Universal Time:   07:48:51 Saturday July 27 2024 UTC
Cincinnati Time & Weather: 03:48:51 AM Saturday July 27 2024 EDT
Temp: 68.0 F (20.0 C) F Humid: 63% Pres: 30.12 Wind: East at 9.2 MPH (8 KT)
Windchill:  Vis: 10.00 Weather: Fair
Sunrise: 06:37 Sunset: 20:54 Tomorow: 06:37
Days Since New Moon: 21 Phase: Last Quarter
This server has been up 310 days, 20:20, 23 users, load average: 0.26, 24 connections.
Internet Storm Center Infocon Status
   Survival Time of an unprotected machine on the internet
* Provided by SANS Institute(www.sans.org), used with permission.
TEAM CYMRU DNS Name Server Status Summary

The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.
 Geographic distribution of attack sources.
Frequency of Probing Activity by Port and Location
* Provided by SANS Institute(www.sans.org), used with permission.

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© 2003 Elijah Laboratories Inc.

Web page design by Robert J. Brown.
Last modified: Fri Jul 3 23:18:45 EDT 2020